miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

NAME: Sònia Ibañez Soussi
TOPIC: The evolution of the language and the intelligence of the children.


• Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, realmaterial…?Are the resources relevant and attractive and focused on the topic? Do they support your presentation? Is the timing 5-7 minutes?
-Yes, in my oral presentation I used a powerpoint and I think that it was relevant, attractive and it focused on the topic of my project, and the timing of my oral presentation was around seven minutes.


• Are you looking at your audience most of the time? Are you reading occasionally from your notes? Are you doing any gestures / movement to hold the attention of the audience?
-Yes, I was looking at my audience most of the time because in this presentation I didn't read a lot, only to see if I forget something.


• Do you organize your ideas in order of importance? Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…).
-Yes, I have organized my ideas in order of importance. Now I have realized that I forgot to use discourse markers, although I use someone, but not all I wanted to use.


• Do you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? Is your information detailed and clear? Do you give / show examples? Is your information copied from a source or is it original? Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books…?
-In my view I think that I have introduced new information to them, and yes, it was clear and detailed. I put examples of the diferent childreen's language evolve. Well the only thing I did was to translate in Englisg my reserch project which were in catalan, and of course I summarized.


• Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)?Is your vocabulary rich and varied (synonyms, idioms, phrasal verbs, expressions, topic-related vocabulary…)?Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)Do you use pause fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…).
-I think that my grammar was correct, althought I did some mistakes,and some of the words I said wasn’t well pronounced.

• Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
-I didn't checked the pronunciation of some words and that’s why I didn’t pronounced them well. The week I did the oral presentation in english I only had a day to prepare all the things, that's why I didn't checked the words in the dictionary.


• Now it’s time to improve for next presentation. Write down a LITERAL TRANSCRIPTION of your presentation. Check your language and structure.
Can you correct your mistakes? You are your teacher! What mark did you get?

-Hello everybody, as you all know my name is Sònia and today I’m going to explain my research project which is about the evolution of the language and the intelligence of the children.


I chose this topic because I’ve always wanted to be a teacher of children.
My research project studies how the children’s intelligence evolves since they are born until they are three years old.

Some of my objectives are:
-To have a mini base of what I should know about the evolution of the Language and the intelligence of children.
-See when the language appears and how it evolve.
 -Know if I really want to be a teacher in the future.
Why a language is so important…?

Human beings are social people and that’s why we really need the language; to communicate ideas, wishes, feelings, etc, so we need it to communicate to each other.

The oral expression...

It’s by oral expression that children begin learning how to express themselves, had a better pronunciation, expand their vocabulary, improve the syntax, among many other things. This means that there is a large growth of the language, which is achieved only listening and speaking.

But they can also achieve it by the dialogue which structure thinking and reinforces the security and self-esteem.
Another form is by Tales which help the develop of the imagination, understanding, speaking and thinking better.

The three mechanisms of language acquisition are:

 -The Imitation (try to imitate)
 -The Observation
 -The Game
First the children obsreve all what happens around them, and then they try to imitate it. Another mecanism is the game because in the game appears the dialogue.

The psycholinguistic development in the early years is divided in two stages:

-The Pre-linguistic stage.
-The Linguistic or verbal stage.
The most relevant features in the linguistic stage are that then appear the first words and sentences.

The structure of the first phrases of the children are:
        -Noun + verb: “Nena canta”.
        - Noun + adverb : “Galeta més”; “Galeta no”.
        -Noun + noun: “Pilota taula”; “cadira mama”.
        -The personal pronoun "I" appears when he/she is 3 years, before he refers to himself by the personal pronoun "He"/"She"/by his/her name.
In the linguistic stage appears the negative "no" (when the children only say no to all).
The children's vocabulary is 150 words (when they are 2 years) and 1500 words (when they are 3years).
One of the important things is: To Do not forget that parents are models to follow for what they do more than what they say.

And that’s all...
I hope you all have enjoi it...
And thanks you so much for you attention.
Have you got any question?

<iframe src="http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/16143259" width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/soniasoussi/presentacin-definitiva-16143259" title="Presentación definitiva" target="_blank">Presentación definitiva</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="http://www.slideshare.net/soniasoussi" target="_blank">sonia</a></strong> </div>

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