domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Men judge women in milliseconds...

Men are genetically programmed to take a fraction of a second to decide if they are attracted to a woman or not . Although women take a long time to decide their feelings for a man because they need to know if he will be a good mate or not.
The experts did a test on 20 women and 20 men.
While they were doing the task, they were shown photographis of faces of the opposite sex, from the most attractive to the most ugly.
In conclusion, men were easily distracted when they saw a beautifull face, but women stuck to the task.
In my view, I’ve always know that, and think it, and I think that maybe there are some exception, but not but only some.

Trustworthy: digne de confiança.
Mate: company.
Weigh up: ponderar.


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