domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

News: Màrius Serra (Germà capdevila)

Do you know who Màrius Serra is?

Màrius Serra is a well-known who lives in Barcelona. His daily work consist on writing books, creating word games and crossword which will be published in the paper or will be listenes on the radio.

He spends several hours a day in his room/studio which he calls its “inner sanctum”. There, he has over 6.000books. As he said in the interview, he receives dozens of books of every week from different publishers.

This man loves sharing all this reading material with his neighbours, family and friends.

He thinks that his Mac Computer is very important because it helps him to save all that he produces.

For Serra wifi ruters are essential in a house. He can’t imagine living without a computer a computer nowadays.

As he spends several hours sitting on a chair while he’s working, he thinks a comfortable chair is very important.

He loves Groucho Marx. He has Groucho Marx on one of the shelves in his room who keeps an eye on him all the time Mario’s working at his desk.

Cataloniatoday (March 2011)

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